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Vitamins That Can Improve Gum Health

Your teeth and gums need the right balance of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy, just like the rest of your body. Vitamins and minerals can be easily incorporated into your daily diet by eating certain foods, dietary supplements, or combining the two. 

Read on to learn which vitamins can lead to improved gum health and better dental checkups. 

Keeping Gums Healthy Takes Hard Work 

Developing and maintaining healthy gums takes hard work. Regular visits to your dentist and maintaining excellent oral hygiene at home are essential; however, the foods you eat can be a more significant factor than you may think. Eating the right foods full of vitamins and nutrients can help you fight gum disease. Be sure your diet features these nutritional building blocks for healthier teeth. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports your body’s entire immune system. It’s also a vital component in protecting your gums and teeth. There are many simple ways to ensure your body gets enough Vitamin C, including eating foods that are an excellent source, including:

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an excellent way to prevent dry mouth and helps your mouth heal quickly. Eating foods rich in vitamin A is an excellent way to combat dry mouth, which can be caused by many medications. Vitamin A comes primarily from animal sources, including the following:

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps to keep your bones strong. Found in many types of foods, vitamin K can be commonly found in the following:

Vitamin D

Vitamin D improves bone mineral density throughout the body and can be consumed through these foods:

Your Dentist Plays a Big Role In Gum and Tooth Health, Too 

Having your teeth professionally cleaned and examined by your dentist plays a significant role in your tooth and gum health. It can be challenging to determine if your teeth and gums receive the nutrients they need to stay healthy on your own. During a routine exam, your dentist can tell whether your teeth show signs of vitamin deficiency. They can also recommend specific changes you can make to your diet to improve your overall oral health. At Elite Dental & Denture PC, we want to help you develop good eating habits that directly contribute to healthy teeth and gums. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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