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The Fastest and Most Affordable Way To Improve Your Smile

Investing in your smile is one of the best uses of your hard-earned money. Not only will the ability to flash a beautiful, confident smile make you feel better about yourself, but it’s also a proven way to improve your oral health. 

When it comes to a smile makeover, there are plenty of innovative dentistry treatments that can transform the appearance of your teeth without breaking the bank. Dental bonding treatments are the most affordable and minimally invasive alternative to more invasive smile makeover procedures. 

Read on to learn more about how dental bonding can transform the entire look and feel of your teeth in a single dental appointment. 

Dental Bonding Smile Makeover

Dental bonding uses composite resin to fix a decayed or fractured tooth. This tooth-colored plastic material can be used to repair chips, cracks, and discolored teeth. Bonding is considered a cosmetic dental procedure that can also be used to close unwanted gaps between teeth, or utilized to reshape a single tooth or multiple teeth. This incredibly versatile treatment can also be used to protect a small portion of an exposed tooth root, causing sensitivity and discomfort due to receding gums. 

Unlike dental treatments such as veneers, dental bonding does not require any preparation work or third party labs. Composite resin material can adequately be bonded to your tooth for an extended period, making it one of the most accessible and affordable dental treatments available. 

Imperfections Tooth Bonding Can Correct

Dental bonding can significantly improve the appearance of your smile by masking certain perceived defects or abnormalities. Some of the most common dental issues that bonding can correct are:

Gapped Teeth

If you have a small but undesired gap between your teeth, your dentist can apply the resin to the insides of the teeth to “close the gap.”

Chipped Teeth

Composite resin can be placed in the chipped area to smooth out the tooth’s appearance and camouflage the chip.

Teeth That Are Too Small 

Your dentist can apply resin around the edge of the tooth to make it appear larger than it is.

Short Teeth

Resin can be applied to the chewing or surface of the tooth to make it appear longer than it is.

Discolored Teeth

Bonding can be used to hide severe discoloration that cannot be corrected with teeth whitening procedures.

Cosmetic Advantages of Bonding

Dental bonding is an excellent option for enhancing the appearance of teeth and making minor repairs. This cosmetic dentistry treatment has several unique advantages, including:

Transform Your Teeth In One Afternoon 

It is easy to see why many patients turn to dental bonding for a complete smile transformation in just one afternoon. By practicing great at-home oral care and avoiding bad habits that can damage the resin, dental bonding can last for over ten years. Regular professional cleanings will ensure that your dental bonding stays in excellent shape and lasts for as long as possible to protect your investment. If you are ready to learn more about what dental bonding can do for your smile, contact Elite Dental & Denture PC today. 

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